In order to make sure we give the best user experience to you, our valuable customers, we had to put our videos through a thorough Quality Assurance Check. We have retained only the best production work on our new Platform.
There are a small number of videos that could not be migrated, such as the Urdu videos, but we do have most of the old content available on the new site.
InshaAllah we will continue to keep adding more new content like before. We also hope to add subtitles in other languages to the website in the near future, InshaAllah.
We apologize if this causes any inconvenience, but we are confident that you will enjoy and benefit even more from our upcoming releases. Please stay tuned for more information, and thank you for being a valuable customer of Bayyinah TV.
Urdu is a must especially for ladies with low/ no english education
Urdu will be helpful for all who cannot understand English language..
Please upload Urdu lectures as soon as possible as It will be helpful for huge community of Urdu speakers including my other family members too. Thanks
please share the Urdu link in emails
How do I ask Ustad questions?
please share the Urdu link in emails